I have today been given permission from the original publishers of my Grandfather's booklets to reproduce them in a revised edition.
My intention is to write something of a follow-up to Dovecotes of Cambridgeshire, focusing on how these sites have changed in the last 40 years.
I have my Grandfather's original notes and reference photographs from when he wrote these back in the mid 1970s, so I'm going to start working on this in the next few days.
The original booklet was illustrated with a mix of his pencil drawings and photographs, and I hope to update these with new images as well as using some of his originals. Unfortunately I don't have his original art work, but I will create my own collection of pencil drawings based on the ones presented in the book.
I'll be updating my Patreon and Kofi pages with news on progress, in between my usual travels for Norma Explores!
If you want to learn more about what a dovecote is and why they were so important, I'll be focusing on them in my next 'Reading Villages' feature when issue 3 of our magazine is released next month.
Great news indeed. And more work… you won’t get bored soon.